New K-6 Science Curriculum

Ch-ch-changes  (with apologies to David Bowie)

You might have noticed a few changes on our website, reflecting the changes to Alberta’s Science Curriculum.  You’re right!  We’ve made our changes so that we can continue to meet the needs of teachers and students in the K – 6 classrooms with our excellent field trips.

Please know that we are still all about helping ease the workload of teachers, making it easier for you to give your learners a fun, relevant, knowledge-filled, and hands-on field trip experience.

You’ll see that some topics have been relocated to new grades, and some topics look like they’ve completely dropped off the menu. (I’m looking at you, Wheels & Levers, Light & Shadows, and Mechanisms Using Electricity!)  Here’s the thing:  we are pretty flexible here at Hands On Science, and if you think an ‘unlisted’ topic would fit well into your lesson plans, send Lis in the office an email or drop a note via the contact form on this website and let’s talk!

Grade One teachers:  we haven’t forgotten about you.  We’re still working to develop (or re-develop, even!) a field trip which will meet your needs while remaining affordable.  If you have an idea of what you’d like to see delivered into your classrooms, please reach out to Lis and – you guessed it – let’s talk!