COVID-19 updates

… because it seems like everything we do these days has to come with an asterisk.
Updated August 26, 2021

We want to keep our team and community as safe as possible.
As a team, we have made the decision to continue to deliver only the following topics:

  • Kindergarten – Dinosaurs
  • Grade One – Sailors & Sailboats
  • Grade Two – Buoyancy & Boats
  • Grade Four – Wheels & Levers*
    *students MUST work in groups, sharing materials. It is recommended that ALL participating students wear face coverings
  • Grade Five – Mechanisms Using Electricity
  • Grade Five – Chemistry*
    *students MUST work in groups, sharing materials. It is recommended that ALL participating students wear face coverings
  • Grade Six – Flight
NEW!  We are conducting some of our field trips live on-line through a Google Meet on your SmartBoards, with our materials delivered to the school ahead of time.  These topics are: Dinosaurs, Sailors & Sailboats, Buoyancy & Boats, Mechanisms Using Electricity, and Flight.  Contact our office for more information.

We’re very sorry, but the following topics are NOT available:
Senses, Magnetism, Rocks & Minerals, Awesome Bridges, Light & Shadows, and Evidence & Investigation.

What we’re doing to safely deliver our field trips to your students:

Our facilitators comply with all current COVID-19 health and safety guidelines. Our field trip facilitators will:

  • perform daily health self-assessments;
  • wear PPE as recommended by Alberta Health Services and school guidelines, including non-medical masks while inside the school building at all times;
  • have a supply of non-medical masks available for student use, if necessary;
  • encourage participating students and staff to wash their hands before and after the field trip (hand sanitizer will be provided during the presentation); and
  • practice enhanced cleaning and sanitization of all field trip materials before, during, and after sessions.

We have changed the format of our field trips to allow social distancing wherever possible; however we are recommending the wearing of face coverings by students in the two field trips where group work and sharing materials is required (Wheels & Levers and Classroom Chemistry). Students in these field trips will be sanitizing their hands regularly.

Why you should book a Hands On Science field trip :

  • Bang for your buck — every topic we offer aims to cover the bulk of GLEs & SLEs for a unit of study. Our field trips offer enrichment and learning opportunities from start to finish.
  • NO BUSSES REQUIRED! We come to you, so we’re still running even when transportation for field trips isn’t.
  • Safety first. Safety always. The health of your school community is our number one priority. We respect and strictly follow all school district, municipal, and provincial health guidelines for COVID-19 so our field trips are delivered safely and effectively.
  • Our facilitators have MANY years of experience — we know how to deal with challenges on the fly and can help you navigate stressful situations.
  • We’re fun! Trust us, have you seen our team photo??? You’ll definitely want to book us.

What we ask of you to help us keep everyone safe:

  • A table for our materials.
  • Ensuring that when required, students are wearing face coverings.
  • Having the students use their own crayons, scissors, and pens as required.
  • 1 adult helper – this can be the teacher – who will be expected to actively assist in the field trip.
  • Room prep – some topics require an open floor space, so desks may have to be moved to one side.
  • Time to disinfect our materials – up to 1/2 hour after the end of the session.


We understand the need for flexibility. If you need to change or cancel your field trip date due to a COVID issue, we kindly ask that you give us as much notice as possible. The 24/7 urgent contact number is (780) 819-9763.

We have built capacity into our scheduling system so that if we should be required to isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19, your field trip date is less likely to be affected. That being said, if we need to change your field trip date, we will do our very best to reschedule it to take place as soon as possible.

As we move forward …

The health and safety of the school communities we serve is our number one priority. As school district, municipal, and provincial health and safety guidelines change, we will be flexible and adapt to them. We thank you for your patience in advance as we navigate these realities alongside you.